Posters going up tonight – one week to go!

We’ve had a bumpy summer with people being sick with Covid, but finally fliers and posters are ready to go up with one week to go!! Please just ask people to sign up their neighbours, or even better – your street! Don’t forget to help people without internet access – help them to sign up. If you have a great corner fence, email us for a poster! We can also share artwork if you’d like to print your own poster (we only have limited numbers!)

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2 thoughts on “Posters going up tonight – one week to go!”

  1. I’m not in favour of rezoning. Cheers for the work you’re doing. Resident of the east side of Turpin Road.

    1. Thanks for your awesome support! BTW the blocks between Wilson and Turpoin. might not be planned for higher, but the proposed plan is asking for increased density i.e.four duplexes instead of two!

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