Send an email please!

If you have ten minutes this long weekend please send an email to Cr Caldwell – he’s in charge of planning, and heresy is at a Town Hall meeting 12 months ago he told Labrador and Chirn Park residents there was nothing to worry about – which appears to be the opposite of true. We have created a template as a starter (from a Community Alliance version) – so please ensure you include your personal feelings and concerns – and then press send to Cr Caldwell, the mayor, deputy mayor, and our new CEO – just so everyone fully understands. Download the template here

Then spend another ten minutes completing the Have Your Say submission, and a last twenty minutes downloading the petition, get some signatures, and drop into the Chirn Park News.

8 thoughts on “Send an email please!”

  1. We do not want or need rezoning in Labrador, the parking and traffic here is already horrendous. We were not consulted at any time by council.
    Council has an obligation to be up front and honest about these changes. We do not consent to rezoning Labrador.

  2. I agree to re-zoning LABRADOR. I own a unit and its ok but what a crap area overtaken by druggies etc and you wouldnt go out at night as dangerous and nothing to go to anyway, its a shithole and a few highrises will get people in and jobs/shops and somewhere to go to meet others. No Rosies and the less fortunate are OUTA HERE !!! Also prices of real estate will rise as they should have years ago. Its a great location needs an update/refurbishment. Simple fact!

    1. Thanks Steve, lots of different parts of Labrador, and your story really reinforces why we don’t want units. Your Labrador experience is a lot different to many other’s positive experience. Thanks for sharing x.

  3. Rezoning to allow up to three storeys maximum would be a fair balance however the street planning does not currently cater for increased traffic and parkland with higher population.
    Small cul-de-sac streets cannot be zoned for high rises; nobody wins.
    Chirn Park cannot end up like Chevron Island with a major bottle neck of traffic on both bridges in and out. Chirn Park is already experiencing traffic hazards with a growing state high school in it’s zone. The creates further traffic safety issues with hundreds of pedestrian students and cars at pick up times.

  4. Chirn Park is a unique heritage suburb with a lot of character that most residents in the area do not want destroyed and devalued by ‘Developer greed’.
    The area has many homes with beautiful streetscape which we do not want to see turned into a multi-development ghetto. Council’s current proposal will compromise the integrity of living opportunities which includes pressure on community health and well-being, traffic noise and environmental maintenance and management. These issues will be accentuated by the greed of these poorly thought out development proposals currently planned.

  5. The Labrador area needs more parking and infrastructure….not highrise buildings.

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